

BC National Forest Week, September 21-27, 2025

National Forest Week (NFW) is celebrated each year across Canada during the third week in September. NFW invites Canadians to learn more about our forest heritage and increase their awareness about this valuable and renewable resource.

Forests are fundamental to our economy, culture, traditions, history, and future. Across the country, many communities, families, and individuals depend on forests for their livelihood and way of life.

National Tree Day is also observed on the Wednesday during NFW.

Kids learning about impacts of pine beetle on forestsOne volunteer talking to group of children about pine beetle’s impact on forests.

kids in the forest learning!

Plan an Event

NFW events come in all shapes and sizes in communities across BC.

Community volunteers can organize an event by connecting with a student class or community group to lead a forest hike, give a presentation or demonstration, or participate in a related public event.

Learn more about planning a community event.

Teach About BC’s Forests

Children love trees and we’re here to help teachers educate their students about forests, the important things they provide us, and the critters that call forests home.

Best of all, we can help teachers year-round, not just during NFW. 

Grant funding is available to support bus rentals for forestry-related school field trips throughout the province.

See the Teach page for more information.


The BC National Forest Week Coalition is always looking for volunteers to help promote National Forest Week, to host community events, or to help teachers educate children about our forests.

Learn more about volunteering.


Celebrating National Forest Week in BC and the free resources and promotional materials we provide are made possible by the generous support of NFW sponsors. 

See a list of our sponsors.