

BC National Forest Week Volunteers

On behalf of the NFW-BC Coalition, we thank all the volunteers who help in celebrating and educating students and the public about BC forests.

You are a cornerstone of the program. You provide the opportunity for over 4,200 students and 4,300 adults to learn about BC forests.

We celebrate throughout the year and not just during the one week (NFW). Thanks for your contribution and we hope you will see the value in returning each year.

Foresters: Volunteer to Help Out in Your Community

From developing forestry teaching materials to leading a walk or participating in field-day trips,  there are many opportunities for professional foresters to volunteer and give back to the community throughout the year.

NFW-BC is always looking to connect the work that you do back to your community, from helping children appreciate and gain a new understanding for the forest to developing educational materials to support teachers.

  • We will be flexible in respecting your constraints
  • We will be flexible to reflect what you prefer to present
  • We will provide assistance
  • We will help to get employer support, if needed
  • We will work to make it a fun experience
  • We will appreciate your efforts

Will you make a commitment of one to three person days out of your busy schedule to volunteer?

What Positions are Available?

Check out what positions are currently available.

How to Volunteer

If you are interested, you can complete this online volunteer application form and someone will respond to you shortly; or

Thank you in advance for becoming a volunteer.

Volunteer Resources

Resources to assist in your volunteering:

Kids learning about BC's forest image
Children appreciating their trees thanks to volunteers.