BC Tree Posters
Have you ever wondered what kind of tree was in your backyard, down the street, or in a nearby park or school yard?
These free, colour, tabloid-size (11 X 17) posters can help you recognize and identify the most common conifer tree species found in BC.
Learn the differences in tree needles, cones, and bark, and where they most commonly grow. Spot the difference between a sitka spruce and a lodgepole pine.
Each poster contains photos and information on several different BC tree species.
Conifer trees
- Sitka spruce/Engelmann spruce/Black spruce
- Western white pine/Lodgepole pine
- Ponderosa pine/Whitebark pine/Limber pine
- Western larch/Tamarack/Subalpine larch
- Western hemlock/Mountain hemlock/Western yew
- Grand fir/Pacific silver fir/Subalpine fir
- Douglas fir/Western red cedar/Yellow cedar
Deciduous trees
- Alder/Dogwood trees
- Arbutus/Garry Oak/Cascara trees
- Birch/Black Hawthorn trees
- Cottonwood/Aspen/Crab Apple trees
- Maple trees