NFW-BC Coalition Sponsorship Policy
The NFW-BC Coalition appreciates the sponsorship of companies, organizations, and individuals.
This help is a cornerstone of the program and can come in various forms. Clarity in this regard is required to assist sponsoring organizations and individuals in understanding the level of recognition the coalition has assigned to each type of contribution:
- Financial sponsors – This includes those companies and organizations that have donated funds to the coalition program. The level of contribution is categorized as Platinum ($2,000+), Gold ($1,000-$1,999), Silver ($500-$999), and Bronze ($100-$499). The logos of the Platinum and Gold sponsors will be posted on the website along with a list of sponsors in the Silver and Bronze categories.
- In-kind financial contributions – This is associated with companies or organizations that have contributed materials (e.g., wood samples, coloring books, seed kits, etc.) for the program that would be a budgetary item. In-kind sponsors are recognized in a separate listing on the sponsors web page, along with their in-kind contributions.
- Individual volunteering – This is primarily associated with volunteers helping in some way with local events as a participant or organizer, or as a member of the coalition administration, or as a regional coordinator and/or on a task force. The recognition will be through identifying their organization on the website or by listing the individual’s name for non-aligned volunteers, subject to their approval.
Download the sponsorship policy in PDF format.